Seamless trust and control of your own data

Findynet is building services that enable individuals and organizations to share and manage their information more easily than before. For example, a pensioner or student can prove their entitlement to discounts, and an entrepreneur can showcase their qualifications, licenses, and certificates to new customers, partners and authorities.

When receipts, tickets, permits, certifications, and other proofs previously presented on paper or plastic cards are converted into digital credentials, many processes become simpler and more effective. At the same time, the risk of misuse is reduced, as the authenticity of credentials can be automatically verified.

Credentials are acquired directly into one’s digital wallet from the issuing entities. The holder of the credential (individual or business) decides whom to share their information with and when. Recipients conveniently receive the information directly from the holder as a natural part of the interaction process. Since the issuer has electronically signed the content of the credential, the recipient can automatically verify the information’s accuracy without cumbersome checks. Additionally, the recipient does not need to obtain separate permissions for the use of the information, as the information is shared directly by the individual or entity it concerns.

Concrete benefits for all parties

Savings and risk management

Almost all organisations rely in some situations on information provided by someone else. When your organisation receives work and educational references from a jobseeker, how do you ensure their accuracy? What about a proof of creditworthiness from a customer or a quality certificate from a subcontractor? With digital verifiable credentials, the origin and integrity of the credentials can be automated. This saves effort and reduces risks.

New business opportunities

Many organizations hold information that could be valuable to other actors. However, due to data protection regulations, information cannot be shared with just anyone. If an organization wanted to share its customer's data with another organization, complex procedures would be needed to obtain the customer's consent, agree on the terms of use with the other organization, and technically implement and maintain the data transfer itself. If, on the other hand, the data were provided directly to customers in a form that allowed them to distribute it to the parties of their choice, the process would be made much easier. In some situations, the recipient of the information may pay for the authenticity of the information, which could generate new revenue for the issuer.

Seamless interactions

You have probably had to pass on proofs, certificates, or authorizations on your own behalf or on behalf of a relative, employer, company, or association. You may have had to order a certificate to be posted to your home or, in the worst case, have had to pick up a certificate at the counter. Now, you can get important information about yourself into your wallet app from the comfort of your couch, at any time of day, and share it from your wallet with whoever you choose to get things done.

Digital proofs and wallets for seamless and secure interactions

Digital evidence includes, for example, permits, certificates or receipts that are signed electronically by the issuer so that their origin, authenticity and validity can be easily verified.

A digital wallet is an application that allows users to manage the digital credentials that they hold. A digital wallet allows you to collect credentials and share them with whomever you want in different interactions. This application can be installed on your phone or accessed via a web browser as a web service.