Findynet complements the future eIDAS ecosystem
Objectives of the eIDAS regulation revision – 3 key points

Solutions under the revised eIDAS regulation will be available in 2026
- Q2/2024: Publication of the revised eIDAS Regulation in the Official Journal of the European Union. The amending regulation enters into force 20 days after its publication in the Official Journal of the European Union.
- Q4/2024: The Commission adopts implementing acts six months after the entry into force of the regulation.
- Q4/2026: Member states must provide at least one European Digital Identity Wallet within 24 months of the entry into force of the implementing acts.
- Q4/2027: Private sector entities in certain sectors must accept the use of the European Digital Identity Wallet to provide services requiring strong user authentication.
The new eIDAS Regulation is binding legislation for certain data sets and sectors
Member states must ensure that qualified trust service providers can verify the authenticity of the following attributes, if based on official public sector sources:
- Address
- Age
- Gender
- Civil status
- Family composition
- Nationality or citizenship
- Educational qualifications, titles and licences
- Professional qualifications, titles and licences
- Powers and mandates to represent natural or legal persons
- Public permits and licences
- For legal persons, financial and company data
The European Digital Wallet application must be accepted as an means of online identification in services requiring strong user authentication.
This requirement applies at least to the following areas:
- Transport
- Energy
- Banking and financial services
- Social security
- Health
- Drinking water
- Postal services
- Digital infrastructure
- Telecommunications
- Education
Digital wallets will not replace existing identification solutions, but will be deployed alongside them.
Our Comprehensive eIDAS Services
We offer comprehensive eIDAS services to help enterprises and public sector organisations make the transition to managing digital identities and using digital credentials. Our services include training and webinars, bespoke eIDAS roadmaps for organisations and assessment of technical solutions that ensure eIDAS compliance and support the extension of services across borders.
Frequently asked questions about the eIDAS Regulation
What does eIDAS mean
eIDAS (for “electronic IDentification, Authentication and trust Services”) is an EU regulation with the stated purpose of governing “electronic identification and trust services for electronic transactions”. It passed in 2014 and its provisions came into effect between 2016 and 2018.
Does the eIDAS Regulation apply to all digital credentials and wallet applications?
In some ecosystems, there may be a desire to rely on eIDAS-compliant certified wallet applications and the trust model outlined in the regulation, but this is not necessary for all trust ecosystems.
Will the eIDAS regulation apply to all wallet applications?
The revised eIDAS Regulation defines the requirements for wallet applications that wallet application providers wish to certify as European identity wallets.
The previous eIDAS Regulation covered strong electronic identification. Of the strong means of electronic identification in use in Finland, only the citizen certificate has been notified as an eIDAS-compliant means. Other means (such as online banking credentials and mobile certificate) can be used safely in e-services, even if their providers have not chosen to notify them under the eIDAS regulation.
Similarly, after the eIDAS reform, many actors will be able to offer wallet applications that can be used safely in e-commerce, even if they have not been notified under the eIDAS regulation.
Mitä teknologioita eIDAS-asetus pakottaa käyttämään?
The regulation itself does not directly address technologies. The EU Commission’s 2024 implementing acts will specify the regulation with technical requirements.
Based on what is known about the work on the technical requirements, wallet applications compliant with the eIDAS regulation can operate under two configurations. The technologies under the first set of regulations (known as Type 1 configuration) concern the issuance and reception of core Personal Identity Data issued by the state and other credentials issued by authorities. These utilize two specifications for evidence formats in parallel (ISO mDL and SD-JWT, with the latter likely to be updated) and OID4VC protocol family for online transactions.
A Type 2 configuration has also been under preparation, but no position has yet been taken on its technologies.
Are Findynet's solutions compliant with the upcoming eIDAS Regulation?
Findynet implements solutions compliant with the eIDAS Regulation. As a rule, we utilise the technologies required by the technical implementing acts of the eIDAS Regulation.
In some trust ecosystems supported by Findynet, there may be a desire to utilise additional technologies or trust models, especially if the user’s privacy in using the credential needs to be secured in a manner stronger than what is mandated by the eIDAS Regulation.
Contact us
Trust online is built on verified data managed by the users themselves. Contact us to learn more about the potential of Findynet projects for your organisation.