Organisation and governance

Findynet Cooperative’s organisation and governance reflect our aim to act as a promoter of social objectives. The cooperative model itself lays the foundations for a democratic and participatory approach, where members – both private and public sector actors – are actively involved in decision-making and planning. In this model, decision-making power is shared among the membership, which helps to build a broad consensus and ensures that the needs and perspectives of different stakeholders are taken into account.

As the Findynet Cooperative aims to deliver a national trust network for verifiable data, its governance emphasises transparency, security and reliability. This is reflected, among other things, in the cooperative’s strong emphasis on transparency and collaboration.

In addition, through government support and cooperation, governance is also linked to an effort to respond to broader national and even global digital development objectives. The governance includes a responsibility to achieve the goals set by the state, associated with received government grant and related guidance, adding an extra dimension to the cooperative’s strategic planning and decision-making.

The organisation and governance of Findynet Cooperative is an example of a modern, inclusive and goal-oriented model that seeks to respond to the needs of today’s digital society in a democratic and participatory way.

Cooperative assembly

The highest decision-making power in the Cooperative is exercised by the Cooperative Assembly, which decides on matters required by the Cooperatives Act and the Cooperative’s statutes. The Cooperative Assembly elects the Board Members.


The main task of the Board is to establish the strategy of Findynet Cooperative and to monitor its implementation in such a way that it enables the achievement of the objectives and purpose of the cooperative and the realisation of the principle of non-profit activity.

The Board decides on the procedure and conditions for the approval of membership applications and the expulsion of members.

In order to improve the efficiency of its work, the Board has set up a pilot project working group, a technology working group and an infrastructure working group. If necessary, the Board may also set up other working groups or committees.

Findynet’s CEO is elected by the Board.

The Board of Findynet Cooperative.

Steering Group

The Ministry of Finance has by its decision (VN/24699/2022) appointed a steering group for Findynet Cooperative in accordance with the Ministry of Finance’s government grant decision. The Steering Group is a group that monitors, guides and supports the progress of the Findynet network development project.

The Steering Group’s task is to ensure that the project is implemented in accordance with the agreed project plan and the Funding Decision. The Steering Group will guide the implementation of the project and ensure that the measures are appropriate and meet the objectives set. The Steering Group will approve the project plan and recommend any amendments to the Ministry of Finance for approval.

Members of the Steering Group
  • Jarkko Levasma, Director General, Public Sector ICT at Ministry of Finance of Finland (Chairperson of the Steering Group)
  • Teemu Kääriäinen, Senior Advisor, Ministry of Finance of Finland
  • Pekka Rehn, Deputy Director General, Finnish Digital Agency
  • Sakari Karstu, CTO, Finnish Patent and Registration Office
  • Janne Pulkkinen, Member of the Board of Findynet Cooperative (Secretary General of the Steering Group)
  • Mikko Hiekkataipale, Chairman of Findynet Cooperative’s Board

The CEO of Findynet Cooperative acts as the Steering Group’s rapporteur.

Pilot Project Working Group

Findynet supports pilot projects with its own work and services. The purpose of the pilot project working group is to propose the allocation of Findynet’s support to pilot projects. The task of the pilot project working group is to identify potential pilot projects and to prepare and deliver proposals for pilot projects and their launch to Findynet’s CEO. The working group will make proposals on which pilot projects Findynet will support with its own services and to what extent Findynet will support pilot projects. The decision to launch pilot projects will be taken by Findynet’s CEO. In addition, the working group will define the general principles and applicant-specific conditions for applying for Findynet’s support for a pilot project.

The working group will also monitor and supervise Findynet’s ongoing pilot projects and consider the needs for change and improvement that have been identified, and make proposals for the further development of the pilot projects, the Findynet network and Findynet.

Members of the pilot project working group
  • Annika Koli, Head of Ecosystem and Offering, Findynet Cooperative (Working Group Chair)
  • Markus Hautala, CEO, Findynet Cooperative
  • Kalle Paajanen, Board representative of Findynet Cooperative
  • Merja Ågren, Senior Product Manager, Nordea Bank
  • Piia Jakola, Senior Product Owner, OP Group
  • Teemu Hyytiäinen, Business Analyst, Kela
  • Samuli Sorsa, Senior Development Lead, Posti
  • Minna Rintala, Project Director, Finnish Patent and Registration Office
  • Nico Käräjäoja, Project Manager, Ministry of Finance of Finland
Ecosystem and Collaboration Forum

The Ecosystem and Collaboration Forum is a forum for representatives of Findynet and external experts, advisors and/or partners invited by Findynet to discuss and exchange information on existing or future pilot projects and the development of Findynet.

Discover and participate in the Ecosystem and Collaboration Forum.

Technology Working Group

The purpose of the Technology Working Group is to assist the Findynet Board in the development of the cooperative’s technology by providing technology-related definitions, studies and recommendations. Among other things, the working group’s tasks are to contribute to the implementation of the Findynet network, to assist in ensuring technical interoperability between different wallet providers, and to contribute to the selection and drafting of the technologies, standards and specifications to be followed. The group will also assist the Board in identifying and managing risks related to technology, standards and specifications.

Members of the Technology working group
  • Samuel Rinnetmäki, CTO, Findynet Cooperative (working group chair)
  • Mikko Hiekkataipale, Member of the Board of Findynet Cooperative
  • Timo Hotti, Principal Technology Strategist, OP Group
  • Teemu Kääriäinen, Senior Advisor, Ministry of Finance of Finland
  • Antti Kettunen, Senior Solution Consultant, Tietoevry
  • Jyri Sillanpää, IT Architect, Finnish Digital Agency
  • Timo Paananen, Technical Lead, Kela
  • Samuli Turkkila, Software Architect, Finnish Patent and Registration Office
  • Veli-Matti Nurmenniemi, Chief IT Developer, Nordea Bank
Technology Forum

The Technology Forum is a forum for Findynet representatives and external experts, advisors and/or partners invited by Findynet to discuss and exchange information on technology-related topics and the development of Findynet.

Discover and participate in the Technology Forum.

Infrastructure Working Group

The purpose of the working group is to assist the Findynet Board in the development of the cooperative’s soft infrastructure by providing definitions, studies and recommendations. The task of the working group is to manage the Findynet network’s legal and technical contractual framework and the code of conduct. The Working Group also assists the Board in managing key risks, including strategic and operational risks, and in overseeing the guidelines and processes for monitoring and mitigating such risks.

Members of the Infrastructure Working Group
  • Markus Hautala, CEO, Findynet Cooperative (Chairperson of the Working Group)
  • Kasimir Hirn, Member of the Board of Findynet Cooperative
  • Essi Törmänen, Lead Specialist, Finnish Patent and Registration Office
  • Jyri Sillanpää, IT Architect, Finnish Digital Agency
  • Teemu Kääriäinen, Senior Advisor, Ministry of Finance of Finland


As a member of Findynet Cooperative you are one of the pioneers

Findynet Cooperative promotes a network of trust between the private and public sectors – so that we can always interact seamlessly and safely. By becoming a member, your organisation will be able to participate in the cooperation, as well as influence the development and future of the network.

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