The Ecosystem Kickstart aims to launch a trust ecosystem together with participating actors. A functioning ecosystem can be built together with entities issuing and verifying credentials. Findynet’s ecosystem kickstarts aims to launch and bring to production general-purpose trust ecosystems, allowing for the inclusion of other actors later on.
Ecosystem Kickstart at a Glance
- Duration varies depending on participants and content, from 3 to 12 months. Results include the basic capability for credential issuers and verify to create and use credentials, and a first version of the trust ecosystem rulebook for the ecosystem.
- Pricing starts from €25,000 per participating organisation; for cooperative members, €15,000 (does not include the costs of credential agents or technical support services).
Findynet can provide the technical support services needed by the ecosystem. If needed, we also offer project management, solution design support, and the planning of ecosystem governance.
Kickstart Your Ecosystem
Findynet offers technical support and expertise for the launch of your ecosystem. We can assist in project management, solution design, and the planning of ecosystem model. Our goal is to ensure the implementation of common rules and interoperability. The launch of the ecosystem is divided into controlled phases, such as pre-study, experimentation, pilot phase, and production launch.
Want to know more?
If your organisation needs to streamline processes and increase trust in operations through digital credentials, we’re happy to help. Book a free initial consultation with us and let’s discuss how to move forward together.