Verification of benefits in public transport

HSL (Helsinki Region Transport), Kela (The Social Insurance Institution of Finland), and Findynet initiated a collaboration in January 2024 to create an benefit verification ecosystem. In the first phase, we have launched a project to digitalize the process of granting public transport discounts to retirees. The project aims to design a seamless digital process where Kela issues a credential into the retiree’s digital wallet, which can be used in HSL’s electronic ticketing service.

Towards a generic solution

The aim of the project is to develop a generic solution that also serves other groups, such as students. Findynet Cooperative is coordinating the project and we welcome other actors interested in digitising evidence for special groups.

In the first phase of the project, selected test users will be able to try out the new process. The wider roll-out of the solution will proceed in phases.

  • Piloting the pensioner credential
  • Piloting and launching the ecosystem
  • Expanding the ecosystem by adding new organizations and introducing credentials for other groups

Annika Koli

Head of Ecosystem and Offering

Tel. +358 50 506 0642

LinkedIn profile


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